
Resuscitation of the Vedas




Shree:"All religions, all beliefs and counter-beliefs are singular in nature and have come into existence according to the need of the circumstances prevailing in those times. Complete in all respects and the most established truths that are effectively applicable at all time are expounded by Vedas alone. This is why in course of time religion propounded 
by the Vedas will be the Universal Religion.”
 4, p. 137 *

Together with Creation, laws were given which enable a harmonious and peaceful life on Earth. They include natural sciences as well as ethical and moral foundations, the working of subtle energies, correct conduct towards higher forces, and not least, dedication to God. In the ancient Sanskrit scholar's language, these laws are called Satya Dharma or Satya Sanātana Dharma.

The term Dharma encompasses the eternal order, the law, our duty, and virtue.

Satya is the truth.

Sanātana means forever.

Satya Dharma is usually translated as "Eternal," "True" or "Universal Religion," even if the term contains much more.




The Eternal Religion had once been 'heard' by enlightened seers (Rishis) and handed down from generation to generation, until it was finally written down thousands of years ago--the Vedas came into existence. The word Veda comes from the Sanskrit root "Vid" and means knowledge.

This knowledge had once been spread throughout the globe. All religions are based on it, and yet it fell more and more into oblivion. The four books of the Vedas are written in such a way that a long study is necessary to understand their content; the necessary basic knowledge for comprehension, however, was almost no longer available.

On 21 September 1944, Shree was shown in a vision the condition of the Vedas: He saw four dogs that were in such a precarious condition that it looked like they were going to die (the dogs are a symbol for the Vedas). Thereupon He took the vow:

"I will resuscitate the Vedas."

A few days later, Shree repeated the vow three times before Lord Parshuram. Shortly thereafter it was revealed to Him in Seven Verses how His vow was to be fulfilled--the Fivefold Path was given.

Whoever once made a vow knows that often a life is hardly enough time to fulfill it. When a Param Sadguru makes an oath, there is such an immense power that the oath is fulfilled at the same moment it is given (even if its manifestation in the visible world may take some time). Thus, opposing forces have no chance of preventing it.

For this reason, it was necessary that a Divine Being be born for such a great task of worldwide importance. Only a Param Sadguru, an Avatar supported by all heavenly beings, was able to bring about the great change in our dark age and allow us humans to get out of chaos.

The "Fivefold Path" summarizes the principles of the Vedas in an easily comprehensible way. These principles do not require study and are freely accessible to everyone. To practice them is enough to turn conditions in the world for the better and enable a harmonious life of human, animal and plant life. Material and spiritual prosperity are included as well as a recovery of our desecrated earth with its atmosphere. The fire techniques (Yajnyas and Homa) provide invaluable support and help.

* The numbers listed above refer to the book titles mentioned in the References.


The Fivefold Path


Fünffacher Pfad Yagna (Agnihotra)

Yajnya (Agnihotra)

The Fivefold Path in Sanskrit


After Shree’s vow to resuscitate the Vedas, five guidelines were revealed to Him how His vow was to be fulfilled. Except yajnyas, these guidelines can essentially be found in every religion. Thus, one can regard the Fivefold Path as the basis of all religions and at the same time as a connecting link.

The Fivefold Path gives basic principles for a harmonious, God-connected life: Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya. Even if it is only five steps, these are comprehensive. They offer help for a happy coexistence on earth.


1. Yajnya (Sanskrit: yajña, fire techniques)

Purification of the atmosphere in the visible and the invisible ranges by means of fire

All creatures on earth need air, water and food to live. But these resources are often polluted, which is a cause of many diseases.

The Vedas do not only emphasize the duty to keep one's life pure, but they also mention how an additional purification is possible. The purification primarily concerns the atmosphere, including the subtle aspect which influences our mind.

This purification process is possible through fire. Fire techniques were once known all over the world. However, their correct performance was no longer known, which is why they were abolished or forgotten.

Shree ensured that the pure, original fire techniques (Yajnya, Homa) were reintroduced. Their effects are based on the law of resonance:

Heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere will heal you.

The basic Yajnya is Agnihotra. It is carried out daily at sunrise and sunset. Yajnyas are a unique blessing for us and our environment.


2. Daan (Sanskrit: „dāna“, right giving)

Sharing of material goods with the inner attitude of humility

Clinging to material things and accumulation of property sometimes make us forget that every material thing is only a loan in time. To remind us, there is a simple way: sharing with others! For giving the right way, one should take the view that the recipient is the greater one, because he accepts our gift. The best thing to do is to give in secret, without expecting any thanks or gifts in return, and not only on special occasions. The "giving of alms" is anchored in almost all religions.

By practicing Daan, a spiritual principle is observed: giving and taking are balanced! A playful and joyful handling of material goods becomes possible; poverty can be countered. If Daan is properly practiced, it makes our mind free and independent of material things.


3. Tapa (Self-discipline)

The basic concept for spiritual exercises and disciplines to train the mind to react to all circumstances with love.

Tapa is used to describe exercises that make it easier for us to achieve our goal. For this, it is necessary to strengthen our will and mind. Breaking of established habits or a temporary renouncement of luxury food can make sense. What initially seems difficult will create inner strength later on. The freer we are of mental and physical circumstances, the more comfortable we feel and the easier it is to turn to God.

Tapa exercises also include spiritual disciplines such as silence and meditation, prayer and recitation of mantras. Through Tapa, we can transform our weaknesses into strengths and first control our minds, but later even put us into a state where a lasting happiness becomes possible.


Umwandlung - Veredelung

4. Karma (right action)

Karma is a term for the cosmic law of cause and effect:

"You reap what you sow."

It implies that every thought, every feeling, and every action will lead to a corresponding reaction, and thus we shape our destiny. To do everything in humility and with love for God and not to depend on the results can free us from the negative effects of our actions.


5. Swadhyaya (self-study)

Study of Self: Who Am I? Striving to know our true, divine nature

Self-study enables an honest and sincere life. Not-so-good features can be detected and changed. The study of sacred scriptures and exercises of silence will help to better recognize the truth. A spiritual teacher can be of great help to practice Swadhyaya.

Realization and profound knowledge lie beyond words and can only be experienced.

Shree: "The understanding and following of the Fivefold Path
will lead to betterment and harmony for all created beings."


Ten Commandments


Shree stehend

From 1944 to 1948 Shree wrote several handwritten letters which contain information about His life, His work and His philosophy. Although addressed to individual persons, they are nevertheless universal. One of these letters, addressed to Kantilal Patel from Mumbai, is titled

VEDA-TATVA DASHAKA – the 10 basic principles of the Vedas

Later, they were known as the 10 Commandments of Shree.

These principles do not mean that earlier commandments or guidelines from Messengers of God are abolished. Whenever such high-ranking messengers absolve a Divine mission, they pursue the same intent, namely to show humans the pathway to the Light in the best possible way. The elemental guidelines were always the same, only differently stressed and phrased due to diverse circumstances at various periods of time. The Ten Commandments of Shree are a great help especially in our time and for the coming bright Golden Age.1,p. 75

1.   Satya   Truth, Truthfulness
2.   Ahimsa   Non-violence
3.   Sarva Bhooti Daya   Compassion for all
4.   Shiva Sankalpa   May your mind always affirm the holy
5.   Datrutva  

Inculculate the habit to sharing assets

6.   Pavitracharan   Purity of deed
7.   Bramacharya   Habits to unfolding the divine
8.   Tapa   Self-discipline
9.   Swadhyaya   Self-recognition
10.   Ishwar Pranidhan   Surrender to His Will (“Thy will be done.”)


When once asked about the relation between the 10 Commandments and the Fivefold Path, Shree explained that the 10 Commandments were given as an exercise to prepare oneself to follow the Fivefold Path. The first nine commandments are the disciplines to practise in daily life. The last commandment “Ishwar Pranidhan” is the most important; it means “na mama”, that is “not mine”. Na mama is the ultimate aim. This is Agnihotra.5,p.194

Shree: “Whoever obeys these Ten Commandments of the Holy Vedas will, without doubt, be liberated. However, these Ten Commandments are to be followed virtually by body, speech and mind.” 4, p.136


Messages of Shree


On the occasion of the Somayaga in 1969, Shree gave the following message which was recorded and broadcast on an Indian radio channel. This was the only time the voice of Shree could be heard on the air:

"It is our desire that the Kingdom of Heaven descends on earth.
Let there be peace and prosperity on the planet.
Be engrossed in the practice of Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, Swadhyaya.
This is the Eternal Religion (Satya Dharma)."*


In 1975, the following message of Shree could be recorded, which He spoke in English:

"Showers of Love to all, O seekers of Eternal Truth,
O travellers of Divine Path.
Grace of Almighty Father which is in Heaven always be with you.
Kingdom of Heaven is nearing now!




In the night of 16 to 17 May 1978, Shree gave a message on the occasion of His birthday just at midnight. It was recorded on tape by Horst Heigl (formerly Lozynski) and a sound technician:

"Grace be with you all, O travellers of Kingdom of Heaven.
Light of the World has descended on Earth.
Divine Light is spreading throughout the whole planet.
Kingdom of Heaven is near at hand.
Blessed are who saw the Light. Fortunate are who walked in Light,
for they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.




Shortly before Easter, on 5 April 1982, Shree was asked by Horst Heigl if he could take His voice on tape. Thereupon Shree gave the following message:

„O travellers of Kingdom of Heaven, travel on Fivefold Path,
the path of Almighty Father.
Light, everywhere Light.
Showers, showers of bliss all over.
No fear, no anxiety, no danger of judgement.
Freedom, ever freedom.
Kingdom of Heaven is near, near at hand.
Grace of Almighty be with you all.“




On 25 December 1982, Shree gave a Christmas message resembling that of Easter:

"O travellers of Kingdom of Heaven, travel on Fivefold Path,
path of Almighty Father, path of ancient Rishis, path of holy Prophets.
Light, everywhere Light.
No fear of the day of judgement, no cares, no anxieties.
Bliss ever bliss.
Sun is shining over New Era.
Kingdom of Heaven is nearing now.
O near at hand."




* The Indian language Marathi has no term for me, but instead uses us. This was adopted in the translation.



Shree: "Everyone in this world has the right to learn and understand the principles of the Vedas."

The Fivefold Path, which was given by Shree and contains the quintessence of the Vedas, is a way of practice. Anyone who would like to implement it can do this without previous studies, without conditions. Even the basic fire technique (Yajnya) is easy to learn. Shree ensured this through the revival and renewal of Agnihotra.

Agnihotra is performed daily at sunrise and sunset. At these times, the Sun and the Earth radius is at a 90° angle, creating a kind of "light channel". This effect is used with Agnihotra and the flood of subtle energy that is produced is enormous.

The performance of the small fire takes only a few minutes. For this purpose specific ingredients are burnt in a pyramid-shaped copper vessel, and some Vedic sounds (mantras) are sung which are precisely tuned to the special vibration conditions at sunrise and sunset.

The healing energies emanating from Agnihotra fire are directed into the atmosphere and are also contained in the remaining ash. The Agnihotra ash is high in energy and is used as an aid to the recovery of man, animal and plant.

Agnihotra may be regarded as a “weapon of light" against the main problems of our time:

  • A purification of air, water and earth takes place.
  • It supports the health of humans, animals and plants.
  • The psyche is regenerated; stress is reduced.
  • It helps to restore the ecological balance.
  • It promotes healthy plant growth.
  • The life energy is amplified and can flow harmoniously.

The effects of Agnihotra are enormous; it is holistic and encompasses all three levels of being--the physical, mental and spiritual level.

Agnihotra and other Yajnyas are used worldwide in agriculture, medicine, psychotherapy and many other areas with great success.

Agnihotra also acts as a mediator of man to God. We offer a small gift (symbolic for our love and devotion) to the fire (symbolic for the highest light). The fire acts as an amplifier. The blessings we receive of it are inconceivable.

Shree: "One can reach the superlative state of mind
merely by practising Agnihotra.”


Sonnenuntergang Agnihotra-Feuer





The practical implementation of Agnihotra
is described at www.agnihotra-online.com
Here the exact times of sunrise and sunset for a year can be calculated free of charge.

You will also find detailed information, scientific studies as well as dates of lectures or free Agnihotra seminars at www.agnihotra-online.com


A request:: Agnihotra is revealed knowledge, not an invention which can be improved by changing it. Please do not change Agnihotra, neither through other ingredients nor by singing the mantra several times nor through other ideas. Shree gave us the Fivefold Path to practise as simply as possible, with maximum effect. Every change and addition adds to the fact that knowledge is more and more veiled or complicated (as has been the case so often in history), until it is no longer recognisable. Please help to keep the knowledge in its simplicity and clarity, and please do not try to develop a business idea from it.