


We hope that you like these pages. They have been compiled very carefully and with much love for you.

Let us briefly explain who we are.

Shree assigned Horst Heigl to teach people the Fivefold Path. First, he did this privately. Later, in 1988, Homa-Hof Heiligenberg (a Homa farm at Heiligenberg, South Germany) was founded. Here, Agnihotra and other yajnyas (= Homa) are performed daily. On the Homa farm, you can see the excellent effect on quality and plant growth on the fruits and vegetables. The incredibly high, subtle energy created by yajnyas is also clearly noticeable here.

The Homa-Hof is maintained by the "Homa-Hof Heiligenberg e. V. ", which is a recognized non-profit organization in the field of environmental protection. Every month, there are free information events where the knowledge of Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path is shared.


How you can contact us:

Homa-Hof Heiligenberg e. V.
Oberhaslach 6
88633 Heiligenberg

Phone: +49 (0) 7552 - 938760
Fax: +49 (0) 7552 - 938756
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or www.agnihotra-online.com


Homa Hof Westen



Highlight of our annual summer meeting: Hundreds of Agnihotra fires

Homa Hof Agnihotra